

Chapman Stick Matched Reciprocal tuning and guitar standard tuning transcriptions as well as audio Stick and backing tracks of my song “TopuFall” video section.

  1. Topufall VideoStick Kaspar TORN 1:16
  2. TopuFall VideoBacking Kaspar TORN 1:16


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Pole Shift

Complete guitar and synth parts for my track Pole Shift (GP5).

Android Mia (guitar solo)

Touch-style (two hand tapping) guitar section of my track “Android Mia” (GP5).

Dimitar Nalbantov “Abandoned Place” (guitar solo)

Solo guitar and acoustic part transcribed by me (Kaspar Torn) and revised by Dimitar Nalbantov (GP5).

Bass and drum tracks are edited from the MIDI files provided by Dimitar Nalbantov.

Keith Merrow “Pillars of Creation”

Guitar parts transcribed by Kaspar Torn and revised by Keith Merrow (GP5).